Are you ready to hire a sober companion or medical companion?
Sober companions or medical companions fill crucial roles throughout the journey of recovery. They provide vital support during the struggles of alcoholism, prescription drug addiction, and any other addictions and/or from medical surgeries, medical emergencies or chronic long-term medical traumas. Many of our experienced professionals have endured, conquered and won the same battles with addiction that you or a loved one are currently fighting. Additionally, our medical companions specialize in medical concierge cases.
Many of our companions hold higher-credentials or multiple certifications.
With an experienced companion by your side, you will learn to live a new life with a much-needed paradigm shift; you do not have to be reclusive and life aversive. Go to work as normal, accept social invites, and travel on vacation; all the while having someone there to guide you along the path to healing, and minimizing your exposure to risk particularly in those challenging or crossroad moments.
Hiring a concierge sober companion or medical companion is like having a real life doctor or other credentialed professional standing by your side to smartly guide and assist you.
Our philosophy is simple
To provide you with stellar concierge support at your convenience. As such, we provide highly-experienced professional sober companions or medical companions as and when you need them, domestically or internationally.
We have a healthy selection of companions that are down-to-earth, fully vetted, and available to come to you at a moment’s notice. They have years of experience working with individuals, family members, friends, employers, in fact people from all ages and walks of life. Moreover, if you choose, your companion may be a fully credentialed expert; highly-regarded and well-respected in the clinical or medical field.
With aSoberCompanion, you receive boutique thoughtful service and support: everything is perfectly tailored to your individual need. Our clients have included CEO’s, medical doctors, nurse practitioners, celebrities, scientists, housewives, families, young adults, and everyone in between.
When paired with the right sober companion or medical companion, often times, this will be all that you need to get back into your life. Day-to-day council, to support you through the challenges of your normal, day-to-day environment. Your personal catalyst of immersion into the real world; your complex, functioning real world, once again.
Battles are best fought together. Let our skilled sober companions or medical companions be your brightest beacon of light.
You are smart individuals, students, families, business associates, high-functioning professionals, mature adults, and more. There are a myriad of circumstances as to why you are seeking a credentialed concierge sober companion.